Pressure relief cushions

Ear Pillow, Wedge cushion, Soft-lift pressure relief cushions for micro-stimulation SAFE Med pressure relief cushions gives you optimal pressure relief with pressure distribution for pressure sore prevention, antidecubitus and pain relief. You choose pressure relief ear pillow, small soft-lift cushions for micro-stimulation and wedge cushion for positioning and relief in a 30 degree lateral positioning. Pressure distribution and pressure relief work both in relation to pressure ulcer prevention and healing of tissue damages.

All ear pillows and pressure relief cushions in SAFE ViscoPore® foam can be kept clean and are machine washable up to 95 degreesºC and can be tumble dried. CE-marked Medical Device MDR regulation (EU) 2017/745.

SCROLL down and see more about the different pressure relief cushions individually.

For ear pillow, wedge cushion and soft-lift cushions you buy Comfor™ PUR Incontinence cover, Soft-Cell™ waterproof cover with a fabric surface like SILK or Cotton velour cover. See cover selection for each pressure relief cushion.

Soft-lift pressure relief cushions for micro-stimulation, 2 pcs. in set
Wedge cushion for pressure relief in lateral positioning and sitting in bed to avoid shearing forces
Ear Pillow for pressure relief of the ears

Read references about

Ear pillow is used for pressure relief of the ear with wounds

Copenhagen Municipality, home care tells:
Therapist states that user lies on alternating pressure mattress and lies on the side. Patient needed pressure relief of the ear and regular pillow did not work.

Statement is verbal reference to us from occupational therapist

Ear pillow to the ear with wounds and pain

Occupational therapist tells:
Citizen has sores on his ear. It hurts and the sore has a hard time healing. We use the ear pillow with a hole that provides relief to the ear so that it does not hurt to lie on the side. We like the comfortable Soft-Cell cover for the ear pillow.

Statement is verbal reference to us from occupational therapist

Pressure sore on ear healed using the ear pillow

Michelle Frank Jensby, relatives:
We were called from the nursing home that my grandmother had a pressure sore on her ear and whether we would buy a pressure relieving pillow for her. I searched on the internet and found the ear pillow, hurried out and put it on her current wellpur pillow, which is relatively flat. A week – fourteen days passed, then the pressure ulcer was gone. So I’m glad I acted so quickly when I know from my work how quickly such a pressure ulcer can develop and actually become life threatening.

Statement is a written reference to us from Michelle, which on request is sent to interested parties by e-mail.

Micro stimulation with small cushion to prevent pressure ulcers

Gitte Hangaard, caregiver:
For patients with throcanter ulcers, it is useful, as in most cases they can only lie on one side or on the back. For tetraplegicsthe small Soft-Lift cushion can be used to change position without much hassle.

Statement is a written reference to us from Gitte, which on request is sent to interested parties by e-mail.

The small Soft-Lift cushion for micro stimulation and pressure relief

Elin Vestergaard, wound nurse: The small cushion is especially useful for patients who have a lot of pain when being turned over. There may be a question of using the method as an alternative to reversal.

Statement is a written reference to us from Elin, which on request is sent to interested parties by e-mail.

The small Soft-Lift cushion is used for bone protrusions

Therapist at Hospice Philadelphia:
The small Soft-Lift cushions are primarily used for placement in bed and wheelchair. The cushions are mostly used for bone protrusions such as the hip and scapula.

Statement is a written reference to us, which on request is sent to interested parties by e-mail.