Arthrodese pude med udskæring i begge sider

Hip seat cushion Grey – with two sides cut

Order no:Price ex.VATHMI no.
116.140 x 40 x 8 cmKr. 485,-72323
116.345 x 40 x 8 cmKr. 485,-54570
116.445 x 45 x 8 cmKr. 696,-128800

Firm seat cushion for hip problems – arthrodesis cushion.

User weight for seat cushion is max 150 kg.

Pressure-relieving arthrodesis seat cushion, hip seat cushion no. 116 is an elevation seat cushion for people with hip problems on two sides. Use as seat cushion for persons with hip problems in two sides and to give the need to have a greater angle of the hip joint.

Technical description: 100% SAFE ViscoPore® foam which is the best quality in viscoelastic foam with strong bearing capacity and long durability.